What renovations are worth doing?

A few months ago, I received an email from a woman who had bought a 1964 ranch with all its original interiors: wood paneling, Formica countertops, a blue bathroom, the works. She hosted a housewarming party for her friends and relatives. Six different people at the party asked her The Question: “So, when are you going to flip this place?” When they heard that she had no desire to flip the house, which she found to be interesting and charming, her guests were shocked and tried to convince her otherwise. She should try for a return on her investment; the

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Renovation boom continues amid coronavirus fallout

While a number of people moved home last year to find bigger spaces, or opted for tree and sea changes, the vast majority preferred to stay put and work out how they could make better use of what they had.

More time spent working and learning from home this year has people wanting more space.

More time spent working and learning from home this year has people wanting more space. Credits: iStock

The costs of moving home, plus stamp duty and agents’ fees, made many decide that money could be put to better use with renovations, says Belinda Botzolis, senior property strategist at Metropole Property Strategists.

Then there were the grants that many states offered

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